During January and February S1 Artspace will host three programmes of artist film and video featuring work by artists based in the UK, USA, Finland, Denmark and Germany combining video formats with 16mm film projection.

S1 / salon is curated around material selected from an international, open call with the intention of creating a platform for presenting artist film and video without prescribed themes or categories.

Christian Glaeser (London)
Mostar Bridge, 2004
Before it was destroyed during the Balkan conflict the ‘Stari Mostâr’ bridge that gave the city of Mostar its name played host to an annual summer diving contest. The jumps collaged in this film were captured on Super 8 during the 1950's and 1960’s.
Jo Nigoghossian (Los Angeles)
Rough Hewn, 2005
Filmed on Super 8 and transferred to DVD Rough Hewn is a disorientating dream of nostalgia and homesickness. Jo Nigoghossian studied in Buckinghamshire and San Francisco, recent exhibitions include SV05, the annual juried exhibition at Studio Voltaire London.
Sabine Gruffat (Columbia)
& Ben Russell (Rhode Island)
The Ataraxians,
One long summer in the South of France tennis is cut short by the search for the source of a piercing siren. A sci-fi tale in 16mm film (transferred to DVD) imagines the end of the Leisure Class and that which replaces it. Sabine Gruffat studied at Rhode Island and Chicago her films have been screened at Chicago Filmmakers and Art in General New York.
Sladjan Nedeljkovic (Berlin)
Remote Control,
Remote Control begins as a discussion about media and technology and morphs into a televisual stream-of-consciousness on information, freedom and choice. The viewing subject is absorbed and television is proposed as a medium for control, anarchy and even torture. Sladjan Nedeljkovic studied at Goldsmiths College London.
Jason Dee (Glasgow)
That's All,
A Digitally altered cinematic diptych using clips from the films The Conversation and In the Heat of the Night. Image and sound have been frozen, and re-animated. Jason Dee studied at the University of Northumbria and Glasgow School of Art recent exhibitions include Immediate at Site Gallery Sheffield and Out of Darkness curated by Paul Rooney for cinemas across the midlands.
Amanda Beech (London)
Little Private Governments,
A collage of text and image delivering the history of democracy and economic enterprise in New York as integrated, idealistic visions. Walt Whitman’s democratic poetry is merged with venture capitalist sound-bites and the history of political emancipation to describe a notion of freedom that is integral to capitalism and democracy. Amanda Beech studied at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and Goldsmiths College London. Amanda lectures in Critical Studies at Wimbledon School of Art and Goldsmiths.
HK 119 Heidi Kilpeläinen (London)
Excess, 2003
HK119 is a self-commodified product for your aural and visual pleasure. Excess is a high voltage meditation on insatiable appetites for more: “don’t you know that the best of thrills is when it nearly kills?” Heidi Kilpeläinen studied at Central St Martins in London. Exhibitions include New Contemporaries at the Barbican London and Assume Astro Vivid Focus Project at Tate Liverpool.
  Part 2:
Selected by Dave Beech

Dave Beech is an artist. He is a regular contributor to Art Monthly and Course Leader in Fine Art at Sheffield Hallam University.

Mark McGowan
Cart-wheeling from Brighton to London, 2005
courtesy the artist
In August 2005 Mark McGowan attempted to cartwheel from Brighton to London in protest against people taking stones from beaches to decorate their gardens.